Sunday, March 04, 2007

Wangi Falls - Litchfield National Park - February 2007

Hi travellers,
Have been on the road a bit lately!
Last few months we have been in the Top End of Australia on a few assignments - also a trip to the southern states. Of note - I did a five day four wheel drive safari across the Top into Kakadu, Katherine and Litchfield with a couple from USA.
Accompanying us to write a story
about the awesome Wet Season was award winning Travel Writer - Dan Scott.
You can read Dan's account by clicking on

Edith Falls - Nitmiluk National Park

Great time to be here - so few people!!

Dan and a black headed python

Nourlangie Rock

Sunset - Victoria

In February I did a tour through Victoria - my home state.
My great great grandfather settled in Bendigo from England and my Mum was born in Ballarat --so it was great to get back to my roots.
I even swam in a stream that I last swam in as a little tacker nearly 40 years ago!
Bushfires had ravaged some of the areas we travelled through - and we hope for recovery and more rain in drought areas.

Bushfires - Victoria - King Valley

Here's looking at you kid - oops sheep!

Poodle on tour - Daylesford

Sovereign Hill - Victoria

Sovereign Hill - Victoria